Letter: Your poison

David Reading
Saturday 05 April 1997 23:02 BST

Of Course the food obsessions of Cher and Michael Jackson are ludicrous ("Zero tolerance, Real Life, 30 March). It is a pity that in the process of talking about them, Cayte Williams inadvertantly hits all those people whose lives are turned upside-down by genuine food allergies.

It is estimated that at least one in 300 children suffers from a life- threatening reaction to a food such as peanuts. Any parent who has endured seeing a child close to death must be insulted by Ms Williams's scepticism.

Life is enriched by the fact that there are Michael Jacksons and Demi Moores out there for our amusement, but then there are the rest of us. And among us are thousands who must ask important questions whenever they eat out to avoid ingredients that will kill them. Fortunately, the catering industry at least is taking the issue seriously.

David Reading

Anaphylaxis Campaign

Fleet, Hampshire

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