A Final Say is no more likely now than it was before the extension

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Friday 12 April 2019 19:13 BST
Final Say: Phillip Hammond says 'confirmatory referendum' deserves to be tested in parliament

The Brexit extension does not make a People’s Vote more likely. This game is highly non-linear, with outcome dominated by the fact that Jeremy Corbyn wants Brexit and is against a referendum that would reverse it.

He cannot be seen by Labour supporters to be the midwife of Brexit, so he is covertly helping May to frighten the DUP into supporting May’s deal by the threat of a referendum. The DUP will change their position based on discussions with the EU that will open the possibility of working towards some kind of system for controlling the flow of goods across the Irish border thereby reducing the risk to them of the backstop. Although this has been dismissed, it is probably feasible. Smuggling can’t be eliminated but it can be controlled by spot checks and draconian fines and imprisonment.

Ian Veltman

I was struck by the fact that our parliament and government has spent three years going round and round in ever decreasing circles, while the leaders of 27 other countries managed to reach an agreement between them in about six hours.

Those leaders are, of course, used to, and live with, parliamentary systems that require working together and compromise. And is that the essence of our difficulties. Our system really only works when the government has a clear majority and can do, effectively, what it wants.

So even though I want to be optimistic could we be facing a situation that cannot be solved with our system of government. I’m beginning to wonder.

Steve Mumby

Brexiteers like to accuse the EU of “bullying” the UK, apparently enlisting the support of President Trump.

But if Theresa May succeeds with her deal, just wait until we try to secure trade agreements on our own with the USA, China, Japan, India and others. Then they’ll realise just how accommodating the EU has been to us.

Roger Hinds

The Shrinking Violet isn't The Iron Lady. Thatcher had backbone; May has a begging bowl.

James Mason
​Address Supplied

What makes a terrorist?

The idea that clicking on terrorist propaganda could mean 15 years in prison is baffling.

Would the home secretary consider those who view and defend Israel's illegal occupation of Arab and Muslim lands, its transgressions of international laws, its support for far-right parties, its land usurpation, extrajudicial killing, home demolition, arbitrary detention, trees uprooting, as terrorists and jail them?

What is acceptable for one could be unacceptable and noxious for others. Hamas and Hezbollah, who are terrorist organisations in western eyes, are freedom fighters in the eyes of millions across the world who view their resistance to Israel's occupation as not only legitimate but heroic too.

Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob
London NW2

Who would trust Trump with an economy?

Donald Trump has used his favoured form of presidential communication to say: “The World Trade Organisation finds that the European Union subsidies to Airbus has adversely impacted the United States, which will now put tariffs on $11bn of EU products! ... The EU has taken advantage of the US on trade.”

I ask Brexiteers why they would want to be reliant on this ultra-protectionist American for any trade deals (and sell out our NHS to him along the way) or, for that matter, to be reliant on China, on Saudi Arabia or on the UAE (bastions all of human rights – not) rather than sharing and enjoying the trade muscle that is the EU bloc. Really: do no alarm bells ring in the Leavers’ ears? If not, we are truly doomed.

Beryl Wall
London W4

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