Letter: Reasons for 'outing' gay politicians

Dr T. B. M. Screech
Tuesday 18 January 1994 00:02 GMT

Sir: Your leading article 'Why the practice of 'outing' is wrong' (15 January) made two significant omissions. A clear distinction must be drawn between the 'outing' of politicians and of other public figures; only politicians can change the law. As long as homosexuality remains victimised in this land, closeted gay politicians are by their silence criminalising the rightful activities of their own constituency.

Second, any gay politician sexually active before 1967 (when homosexuality was partially legalised), as well as any under 21 since then, is a criminal under British law - a fact that ought to be exposed, not to wreck a career but to highlight the absurdity of the law.

Yours sincerely,


London, N4

16 January

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