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Sign up for our weekly bulletin: a new service from the Independent Voices team

More of you than ever before are actively enjoying our journalism - not just reading it but responding too. Now a weekly bulletin allows you to participate further still

Amol Rajan
Wednesday 13 February 2013 16:33 GMT
March 1936: Crowds gather at Speakers Corner at Hyde park in London
March 1936: Crowds gather at Speakers Corner at Hyde park in London

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Five months in, Independent Voices is publishing more strong opinion, brilliant writing, and provocative debate each day than ever.

The volume of traffic to the site tells us that the number of you enjoying our journalism is growing strongly, and the degree of interactivity and participation has never been better either. I've been particularly chuffed with the quality of the comment threads below articles, which are now invariably home to a very high class of discussion and argument.

That is why, in the past few weeks, we've introduced a new service: a free, weekly email bulletin, written and edited by me, but with the invaluable input of the other editors of Independent Voices: Memphis Barker, Laura Davis and Ellen E Jones (don't forget that 'E').

The idea behind the email is simple. You guys check your emails. You also like reading and responding to stuff on this site, and by implication trust us (at least a little) to edit the world for you.

So each week, we'll send you a bulletin with the best of the past seven days, the five most read articles, the five articles that received the most comments, and three of the best comments you guys have left on articles or debates.

Here's an example from last week.

How to sign up

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If you've not yet joined Independent Voices, that link will allow you to register for the site, after which you can sign up on your newsletter preferences page.

You can opt out at any time by unchecking the Independent Voices box on your newsletter preferences page or clicking unsubscribe in any Independent Voices email.

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