The 21 countries where expats have the best lifestyles and make friends easily

Oscar Williams-Grut
Thursday 01 December 2016 12:03 GMT

HSBC this week released its annual expat explorer report, looking at the best places in the world to live if you are a foreigner.

The bank got YouGov to survey nearly 27,000 expats from 190 countries and territories for the report, asking them about how easy it was for them to live, work, and raise a family where they were.

For each category, HSBC calculated a score out of 1 and then used the average of those numbers to work out a ranking.

Below are the results of its survey of expats' experience of different countries, taking into account questions on lifestyle, how easy it is to integrate with the local population, and how easy it is to set up a new life there.

Check it out:

21. Italy: 0.48

Overall: 0.48.

Lifestyle: 0.61.

People: 0.56.

Setting up: 0.29.

20. Mexico: 0.49

Overall: 0.49.

Lifestyle: 0.54.

People: 0.55.

Setting up: 0.36.

T=17. United Arab Emirates: 0.50

Dubai's interpretation of sharia law has lead to a number of rape victims being criminalised including women from Norway and Australia, and several previous British victims
Dubai's interpretation of sharia law has lead to a number of rape victims being criminalised including women from Norway and Australia, and several previous British victims (Getty)

Overall: 0.50.

Lifestyle: 0.49.

People: 0.58.

Setting up: 0.42.

T=17. Turkey: 0.50

Overall: 0.50.

Lifestyle: 0.53.

People: 0.54.

Setting up: 0.43.

T=17. Switzerland​: 0.50

Overall: 0.50.

Lifestyle: 0.58.

People: 0.53.

Setting up: 0.40.

T=15. Austria​: 0.51

Overall: 0.51.

Lifestyle: 0.54.

People: 0.51.

Setting up: 0.47.

T=15. Oman: 0.51

Overall: 0.51.

Lifestyle: 0.49.

People: 0.60.

Setting up: 0.44.

T=13. Malaysia: 0.52

Overall: 0.52.

Lifestyle: 0.49.

People: 0.55.

Setting up: 0.52.

T=13. Japan: 0.52

Overall: 0.52.

Lifestyle: 0.60.

People: 0.64.

Setting up: 0.33.

12. Hong Kong: 0.53

Overall: 0.53.

Lifestyle: 0.48.

People: 0.61.

Setting up: 0.50.

T=10. Norway: 0.54

(Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Overall: 0.54.

Lifestyle: 0.55.

People: 0.55.

Setting up: 0.51.

T=10. Thailand: 0.54

Overall: 0.54.

Lifestyle: 0.54.

People: 0.52.

Setting up: 0.57.

T=8. France: 0.55

Overall: 0.55.

Lifestyle: 0.65.

People: 0.56.

Setting up: 0.44.

T=8. Czech Republic: 0.55

Overall: 0.55.

Lifestyle: 0.56.

People: 0.60.

Setting up: 0.50.

T=6. Taiwan: 0.56

Overall: 0.56.

Lifestyle: 0.51.

People: 0.66.

Setting up: 0.52.

T=6. Bahrain: 0.56

Overall: 0.56.

Lifestyle: 0.52.

People: 0.62.

Setting up: 0.56.

T=4. Australia: 0.59

Overall: 0.59.

Lifestyle: 0.59.

People: 0.61.

Setting up: 0.56.

T=4. Singapore: 0.59

Overall: 0.59.

Lifestyle: 0.59.

People: 0.67.

Setting up: 0.52.

3. Canada: 0.60

Overall: 0.60.

Lifestyle: 0.59.

People: 0.65.

Setting up: 0.56.

2. Spain: 0.61

Overall: 0.61.

Lifestyle: 0.69.

People: 0.64.

Setting up: 0.49.

1. New Zealand: 0.64

Overall: 0.64.

Lifestyle: 0.61.

People: 0.67.

Setting up: 0.64.

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Read the original article on Business Insider UK. © 2016. Follow Business Insider UK on Twitter.

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