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Monday 01 March 1999 00:02 GMT

Who is the greatest sportsman of the 20th century?

Michael Jordan.

Holidays: would you prefer a safari, a trek in Nepal or a week in Prague?

A safari. I've been to Africa a couple of times and been on safari. It's a great place.

What has been the highlight of your career?

The day I got my first cap, in 1993, against Romania. Not the most glamorous tie, maybe, but the first is special.

What was the last CD you bought?

I'm going to embarrass myself with this, but it was the Titanic sound track.

Which person from history would you most like to have met?

Julius Caesar. My nickname was Caesar because of a haircut I once had, and I'd like to see how accurate it was.

What one question would you ask Bill Clinton?

Do you like cigars?

How much is an indecent amount to spend on a pair of shoes?

Given my fashion sense, about pounds 50. I've no taste. A shoe is a shoe to me.

What was the last restaurant you ate in and was it any good?

The Conrad in the Chelsea Harbour Hotel. It was good. I had a fry-up the morning after the Wales game. You're allowed to have fry-ups on occasions.

When was the last time you took public transport?

Last week, the tube from Richmond to Covent Garden.

If someone told you they had bet pounds 10 at 50-1 on Ireland to win the Five Nations, what would you say?

I'd say it was a good bet at 50-1. I'd also say I'd talk to them after Saturday [when Ireland play England].

What television programme would you stay in to watch?

Only Fools and Horses.

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