Militants attack Nato supply terminal in Pakistan

Riaz Khan,Associated Press
Saturday 28 March 2009 09:07 GMT

Dozens of suspected militants fired rockets early today at a transport terminal in northwest Pakistan that is used to ship supplies to Nato troops based in Afghanistan, police said.

At least 12 shipping containers were damaged in the attack at the Farhad terminal in Peshawar, capital of troubled North West Frontier Province, local police official Zahur Khan told The Associated Press. He said police opened fire at the insurgents but they managed to flee.

The attack came less than a day after a suicide bomber blew up in a packed mosque in North West Frontier Province's Khyber tribal region, killing 48 people and wounding scores more in the worst attack to hit Pakistan this year.

Afghan-based US and Nato forces get up to 75 per cent of their supplies via routes that pass through Khyber and a southwestern Chaman border crossing — areas where Taliban militants are believed to be operating.

Islamic militants were suspected in yesterday's deadly mosque attack, apparently to avenge recent military operations in the area aimed at protecting the Nato supply route, authorities said.

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