Kenyan elections in chaos

Steve Bloomfield
Sunday 30 December 2007 01:00 GMT

Violent clashes broke out across Kenya yesterday as voters took to the streets angry at delays in announcing the result of the country's closest-ever presidential election, amid allegations of widespread rigging.

Kenya's electoral commission (ECK) suspended the count last night, following chaotic scenes at Nairobi's election headquarters. Just 38,000 votes separated the incumbent, Mwai Kibaki, and his opponent, the former political prisoner Raila Odinga with Mr Odinga holding the narrow lead. The count will continue this morning, going into a third day. Earlier, the ECK chairman, Samuel Kivuitu, blamed the delays in announcing the results on his returning officers, some of whom, he warned, may be "cooking" the tallies.

The delays are unprecedented. In 2002, the election result was called within 24 hours of polls closing.

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