'Dead' body of pensioner floating in Nottinghamshire river was actually alive

Police were called to Colwick Marina after the captain of a pleasure cruiser reported a body floating in the water on Tuesday

Rob Williams
Friday 05 July 2013 12:28 BST

An apparently-dead elderly woman spotted floating in a Nottinghamshire river was found to be alive and well after police waded into the water and rescued her.

Police were called to Colwick Marina after the captain of a pleasure cruiser reported a body floating in the water on Tuesday.

According to the Nottingham Post, PC Mat Mitchell feared the worst when he threw a life ring towards her and she didn't respond.

The police officer then proceeded to wade into the water before being pulled on board a passing pleasure boat in order to get nearer to the body.

The woman, who is thought to be in her 70s, opened her eyes when PC Mitchell waded back into the river reached her.

PC Mitchell told the BBC: "Her head was slightly submerged and she really did look dead.

Then, in one of the most bizarre experiences of my career, she opened her eyes," he said.

"She had the most piercing blue eyes - it was so bizarre. I stripped off and jumped in the water, she was about 20 metres away, and swam her back to the bank.

"We were more than surprised, I don't think I can repeat what we said."

The woman is expected to be discharged from hospital soon.

PC Mitchell, who was assisted by PC Katie Eustace, was modest about his part in the rescue of the lady telling the BBC: "I'd like to say it was like a scene from Baywatch but it was actually very cold and I'm not quite as chiselled as David Hasselhoff."

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