'Britain is being raped by high taxes', says Ray Winstone as he threatens to quit country

Actor told talkSPORT Radio: 'I don’t see what we are being given back'

Rob Williams
Sunday 10 March 2013 15:08 GMT
Ray Winstone (left) and Ben Drew in 'The Sweeney'
Ray Winstone (left) and Ben Drew in 'The Sweeney'

As a staple of British gangster films Ray Winstone is used to playing hard man characters who don't mince their words.

In an interview with talkSPORT radio last night the Sexy Beast star was similiarily uncompromsing telling an interviewer he was ready to quit Britain because the country was 'being raped' by high taxes.

The 56-year-old told the show: "I can see myself leaving. I love this country but I’ve had enough."

"I don’t see what we are being given back," the 56-year-old added: "I just see the country being raped."

The British star, who was recently seen on the big screen in a film version of British police drama The Sweeney, told the interviewer: "There are more holes in the roads than a tennis racket, we can’t build hospitals and fire stations are closing."

As for politicians, the Londoner said: "I wouldn't trust any of them. Maybe we should all stop voting and then something would be done about it."

The interview was not the first time that Winstone has threatened to leave the UK.

In a 2008 interview with Live magazine he said: "This country isn't going to the dogs. It's gone to the dogs. We're a mess.

"And do I really want to live in this mess any more? I feel bad saying it but I'm just not sure."

The former boxer's breakthrough role came in the famously violent television play Scum which depicted the brutality of life inside a British borstal.

He recently had a cameo appearance in the Danny Dyer flop, 'Run For Your Wife', which reportedly netted just £747 at the box office on its opening weekend.

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