Richards quits for good after his stand-in choice is rejected

Sarah Schaefer Political Reporter
Tuesday 10 August 1999 23:02 BST

ROD RICHARDS resigned as Tory leader in the Welsh Assembly last night after his party refused to back his choice of acting leader while he is fighting allegations of assault.

He said that his position had been "undermined" after the Welsh Conservative Party chose Nick Bourne to take over rather than his deputy, David Davies, 29.

Mr Richards, 52, intended to step down only temporarily after being charged with causing grievous bodily harm to Cassandra Melvin, 22, in Kew, south-west London, last month, allegations he has dismissed as "complete fabrication". He has been bailed to appear in court next month.

Mr Bourne, the party's former finance spokesman, was William Hague's choice for leader of the Welsh party but was narrowly defeated by Mr Richards in a ballot last autumn.

Mr Richards was known as "Redwood's Rottweiler" during his earlier term as a Welsh Office minister in John Major's government and provoked uproar by calling all Welsh Labour councillors "fundamentally corrupt".

He was forced to resign from government over allegations about his private life in a newspaper. His abrasive style has disrupted the consensus politics of the Assembly since it opened in May and Mr Bourne's supporters felt it was time for a more moderate figure to take over.

Mr Bourne was elected after a two-hour meeting by senior Welsh Tories, including Assembly members and the Conservative Party's Welsh Affairs spokesman, Nigel Evans.

Mr Richards also attended but left early after appealing to members to back Mr Davies. He said in a statement last night: "I asked the Tory group to endorse my appointment of David Davies.

"They did not do so. I therefore feel my authority as leader as been undermined and I have no choice but to resign."

His decision was welcomed in London by the Tory party chairman, Michael Ancram, who praised him for the "dignified and honourable" way in which he stood down.

"I wish him well in his forthcoming fight to clear his name," Mr Ancram said. "I am confident that he will continue to support and contribute to the party in the future and I look forward to him doing so in the Assembly."

However, in his statement, Mr Richards said only that he would continue to work hard "for all of my constituents" in the Assembly.

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