You ask the questions (Such as: Sadie Frost, what's it like being married to the world's sexiest man?)

Wednesday 05 April 2000 00:00 BST

The actress Sadie Frost, 32, was born and bred in north London. Her big break came in 1994 when she appeared in Bram Stoker's Dracula. A year later she starred opposite her husband-to-be, Jude Law, in Shopping. Since then she has featured in An Ideal Husband, Final Cut, Rancid Aluminium and Love Honour and Obey, which is out this week.

Frost is a co-founder of the production company Natural Nylon, alongside Jude Law and Ewan McGregor. Productions include eXistenZ and a new film, Nora.

She was seen recently at the Oscars on the arm of her husband. She lives in Primrose Hill, London, and has two children: Finlay, nine, from her first marriage to Spandau Ballet's Gary Kemp, and Rafferty, three, her son with Jude Law.

As a child, what did you want to be?

T Swaines, by e-mail

I always wanted to be a gymnast. I idolised Olga Korbut. I used to get released from school early so I could go training at the Michael Sobell Centre on Holloway Road. I came from a poor background, so it made me feel different and privileged. I got a free education at private school and lots of attention.

How did you spend your childhood?

Claire Bainbridge, Essex

I was a bit of a street urchin. I wasn't intentionally naughty, I just didn't know when I was doing wrong. My mum was a barmaid and gave me and my sisters a pretty loose rein. When I was nine we got arrested after we broke into a warehouse, nicked some handbags and set up shop to sell them. Then I started watching musicals like West Side Story and Bugsy Malone. I'd dress up and sing in front of the mirror. That kept me out of trouble.

What's it like being married to the sexiest man on the planet?

Trish Elliott, Southampton

Pretty perfect.

How do you and your husband like to relax?

Pat Lloyd, Stockport

Relax? With a three-year old? We like to stay at home and cuddle up watching TV with a take-away curry. We love watching football; I support Manchester United and Jude is a loyal Tottenham fan. My younger brother used to play for Manchester United's junior squad, so I supported them from an early age.

Has your experience in Berlin [when she was arrested after police, rescuing her from a lift in which she was trapped, found she had no passport] left you with a fear of confined spaces?

M Lacey, by e-mail

No, but I have since developed a fear of people in uniforms! I've always had a problem with authority. It's when you come from a working-class background; you always think you're going to be discovered - thrown off the guest list, so to speak.

What performance are you most proud of?

S Jacob, Southall

Giving birth. It's an incredible feeling to be united with someone you love by a baby. It's heaven.

ER or Casualty?

Nick Balfour, York

Neither. I only watch wildlife programmes, news, football, EastEnders and Friends.

Do you worry about losing your looks as you get older?

Roddie Maguire, London

No, not just yet. I think you can keep your youth with you as you grow older anyway. I'd never consider plastic surgery; my family live to be really old and they're all still really youthful.

What does it feel like to be recognised in the street?

Heidi Daly, by e-mail

I'm rarely recognised; I must be a bit of a plain Jane. Jude gets recognised, but people tend to leave us alone.

Are you still speaking to Gary Kemp?

A Simpson, by e-mail

Yes, we're very good friends, we talk everyday. He is the father of Finlay and it's very important to him that we get on.

Were you a New Romantic?

T Bradbury, by e-mail

No, I was into ska and punk - X-Ray Specs and the Specials.

How do you combine motherhood, work and so much socialising?

Sarah Bailey, Kent

I get by with a little help from my friends. And I don't actually socialise that much. I go out maybe once a week, but when we do go out it gets written about, so it seems like we go out a lot more. I've only ever been to the Met Bar about three times - we're far more likely to go to the local pub if we do go out. Jude and I try to take things in turns. He's taking four months off now, so I'm the one who's working.

Would you encourage your kids to go into show business?

M Barbour, Kent

I'll let them be whoever they want to be. Finlay is really into music; he plays piano and violin. He says he wants to be in a band but he's quite shy. Raffy, I think, will be a performer; he loves dressing up, he loves attention and he looks like Coco the Clown - he's got blond ringlets and a big smile.

Are you concerned about the competition that your sister will create once she launches her own film career?

Norma Dench, London

She's an angel. Anything that she does, I'll be proud of her and she's a very talented girl. I've always helped her out - for example, I got her an agent and introduced her to lots of directors. I can't believe anyone would think I could be jealous.

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