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My Week in Media: Chris Huhne

Interview,Sophie Morris
Monday 10 December 2007 01:00 GMT

Last week I read...

Having been a journalist for 19 years I'm a newspaper junkie. There was an interesting op-ed in The Independent on Kosovo by Ivor Roberts, a former ambassador to Yugoslavia. They think this is going to be the next big crisis, which I think is absolutely right, but the piece was advocating partition across Kosovo, which I wasn't totally convinced by. The Indy also covered the new evidence on the extension of the tropics north and south very well. Jackie Ashley wrote a piece in The Guardian about the Lib Dem leadership race. She was being faintly complimentary about me, which is always nice, and probably why I remember it.

Last week I watched...

I've been running around campaigning like crazy and haven't seen any television, but I was on the BBC Ten O'Clock News last week on the Labour donations issue, when the revelation that Peter Hain had failed to declare donations to his deputy leadership campaign came out.

Last week I listened to...

The Today programme on Radio 4. It is still the agenda-setting programme. I heard the interview with Dr David Southall, and thought he sounded as if he should be working a little harder on his bedside manner. He was a tad on the insensitive side, which made me sympathetic with the ruling he's faced (being struck off the medical register).

Last week I surfed...

Some of the key blogs on the Lib Dem Voice ( I've enjoyed reading them this week, but that isn't always the case, as they tend to have quite vitriolic debates with each other on whether Nick or I have done best in a public debate. I get alerts from a good website called Real Climate ( which is for people concerned about climate change. It's written by scientists but for people who aren't. I have been following developments in Bali; the important thing is to get overall agreement to reach a science-based solution by 2009. I think there's been a real shift in public opinion in countries that had previously been real problems. Even in China we've seen evidence of the leadership moving quite rapidly on the potential threat of climate change to China's future prosperity, not least because of the rapidly melting glaciers on the Himalayas. The rivers that support 38 per cent of the world's population rise on the Himalayan plateau.

Chris Huhne is a Liberal Democrat MP, the party's environment spokesperson and a party leadership contender

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