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Current Twitter trends: Red, AIDS, World Aids Day

Relax News
Tuesday 01 December 2009 01:00 GMT

December 1 marks World AIDS day across the planet and AIDS-related topics are hot on the fingertips of the majority of Twitter users at 9:30 AM GMT this morning.

To help raise awareness of people living with AIDS, Twitter has teamed up with AIDS organizations to change the color of every post with the term "#RED" on the social networking site on December 1.

Tweeting "World AIDS Day," "AIDS," "Africa," or "HIV" will also turn your posts red.

Phrases such as "AIDS is preventable yet 4,100 die daily in Africa. Show your support! Turn tweets #red. Follow @joinred" are spreading across the social networking site Tuesday.

Tweets containing the latest facts and figures are also being posted on the microblogging site as people use their Twitter accounts to blog about the preventable disease.

Companies such as Nike, Gap, Starbucks, Google and Twitter have joined forces to spread the word and are turning to their social networking accounts to get their message across.

"Latest AIDS stats from UNAIDS: 33 million people living with HIV. Africa still 'worst hit by AIDS' Read more:," writes @joinred - a Twitter account "Bringing people and brands together to help fight AIDS in Africa."

The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on December 1 at 9:30 AM GMT are:

1. #RED (new)
2. AIDS (new)
3. #worldaidsday (new)
4. #decemberwish (new)
5. Google Wave (-3)
6. Happy December (new)
7. HIV (new)
8. #omgfacts (-2)
9. Christmas (new)
10. iPhone 3GS (new)

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