Ramsay and Hoppen to aid Bhs

Julia Kollewe
Monday 09 October 2006 00:00 BST

Sir Philip Green, the billionaire retail entrepreneur, has added the celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and interior designer Kelly Hoppen to his high-profile signings in an attempt to revive his family-owned Bhs department store chain.

Their newly designed furniture, homeware and kitchenware ranges will go into 100 Bhs stores on Wednesday. The move comes just two weeks after Sir Philip was forced to admit the retailer had made mistakes as annual profits crashed by 60 per cent. Blaming poor womenswear ranges, he has got rid of the team responsible and put himself in charge again.

The company is set to unveil KHome, a 180-piece interior range by Ms Hoppen that consists of two collections - Classic and Glamour.

The products are priced at the top end of Bhs's range, with a glass chandelier costing £100 and an oak bookcase £699. Ms Hoppen is also gearing up for roadshows early next month to promote a new in-store service advising people on how to decorate their homes.

Mr Ramsay has designed a range of knives, glass, china and food ware and is in discussions with Sir Philip over an "ongoing relationship", including a revamp of Bhs's 130 in-store restaurants and cafés.

The new partnerships come during turbulent times for Sir Philip. Last week, Jane Shepherdson resigned as brand director of Topshop, part of the billionaire's Arcadia empire.

Widely credited with being the driving force behind the high street chain's success, she is thought to have quit after a dispute with Sir Philip over the appointment of Kate Moss, the supermodel, to design ranges for Topshop, though the entrepreneur and Ms Shepherdson have denied this.

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