Business Diary: Where to snare a banker's hand

Monday 26 July 2010 00:00 BST

In the market for a husband or wife of substance? The guide to dating that is now running on the financial-sector jobs website could be just the thing if you hope to catch a banker. It offers a rundown on the merits (or otherwise) of staff from a dozen of the Square Mile's top names. Highlights include this gem: "A glint in the eye, a warm French smile. Oodles of charm and fantastic sex. But your SocGen dream man will prob-bly turn out to be happily married too."

French lessons on austerity

Believe it or not, it seems that British businesspeople could learn a trick or two from the French on how to cut costs. Research from Hewlett-Packard published today reveals that British executives are far more likely to insist on flying business or first class when on long-haul business trips. Some 34 per cent of French executives now fly economy, HP says, compared to only 19 per cent of British business folk. Still, the Germans are even worse – the figure over there is just 13 per cent.

Don't answer that question

"What's the worst that could happen?" ask the Dr Pepper adverts. Well in the case of the marketing agency that put together a Facebook promotional campaign for the fizzy drink, only to see it pulled in a panic when people began complaining about its inappropriateness, the worst that could happen is getting the push. Coca-Cola, owner of Dr Pepper, is now reviewing its contracts with Lean Mean Fighting Machine.

Start as you mean to go on

Good to see that Andrew Tyrie, the new chairman of the Treasury Select Committee, is cracking the whip already. Though the House of Commons breaks up for its summer recess tomorrow, Mr Tyrie has scheduled for Wednesday a TSC hearing on the Bank of England's most recent inflation report. Let's see how many of his colleagues turn up on what is supposed to be the first day of their holiday.

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