Bruno and wife `not to divorce'

Saturday 22 November 1997 00:02 GMT

Frank Bruno, the former heavyweight boxer, was fighting to save his marriage yesterday after his wife Laura reportedly won a court order banning him from assaulting her.

Laura, 34, is said to have secured the High Court order after what friends described as a "series of violent outbursts".

The Sun newspaper reported that a judge granted a "non-molestation" order banning Bruno, 36, from "assaulting, molesting or harassing" his wife.

Yesterday Henri Brandman, the family's lawyer, said in an statement approved by them: "Frank and Laura are still very much in love. They are trying desperately hard to resolve some difficulties that have arisen in their marriage, particularly with the welfare of their children in mind.

"No separation or divorce proceedings have been instituted or are contemplated."

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