Sunday 24 March 1996 00:02 GMT

Well, you can only fuck your way to the middle.

Sharon Stone, film star, New Yorker

We wanted to avoid having a horse and carriage, so we just imagined that the boat kept going to the end of the Thames and then up the east coast. I know it's not the most likely of outcomes.

Andy Paterson, producer of the film Restoration, which ends with Robert Downey Jr drifting down the Thames in a rowing boat - and arriving in Suffolk, Evening Standard

I think Nick Berry would be a good person to play Nick in a film because I think he's an all-round nice bloke.

Lisa Leeson, wife of Nick, casts Rogue Trader - the movie, Mail on Sunday

We still despise each other with a vengeance. But we've found a common cause: your money.

John Lydon, former Sex Pistol, on the band's plans to reform

The industry sells fake lives, fake dreams, and this is a fake Sex Pistols tour.

Malcolm McLaren, former manager of the Sex Pistols, Melody Maker

Our imaginations are controlled by the market, and what passes for drama is decided by accountants. This is why TIE is being shut down.

Edward Bond, playwright, on the closure of Coventry's Belgrade TIE (Theatre in Education), Guardian

Homage to catatonia.

Anthony Lane, film critic of the New Yorker, on Land and Freedom's famous 15-minute argument about agricultural collectivisation

It doesn't stand to reason that if you are forced to the back of the bus you will go the bus company's annual picnic and act like you're happy. This impacts on our dignity.

The Rev Jesse Jackson, explaining his plans to disrupt tomorrow night's Academy Awards ceremony (where only one out of the 166 people up for awards is black), Daily Telegraph

We've been incorporating Blur into our speeches over the last 18 months. Why? Because it amuses us.

Hywel Williams, aide to John Redwood, on why the MP keeps mentioning Brit-pop, Standard

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