In Thing: Morma Kamali Omo Gym

Monique Roffey
Tuesday 04 October 1994 23:02 BST

Very LA, very exercise bimbo, are Norma Kamali's new gym kit range. Made from the latest hi-tech fabrics - read mountaineering gortex - Kamali's togs are this season's hottest sellers at Harvey Nicks. We're not sure why. Flesh-gripping industrial lycra with nifty spangled motifs aren't the most comfortable things to wear when the heat is on and the sweat is pouring. But models with perfect figures must have looked great in these on the catwalk. For club dweebs, really, not the dedicated exercise freak.

Norma Kamali's Omo Gym collection is available exclusively at Harvey Nichols, 109-125 Knightsbridge SW1

(071-235 5000) Mon-Fri 10am-7pm/Weds 10am-8pm/Sat 10am-6pm

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