In Thing: Boots Global Collection

Monique Roffey
Tuesday 06 September 1994 23:02 BST

If you see groups of gay men giggling in the aisles of Boots, don't worry, you haven't got a note saying 'kiss me' stuck on your back. It's the Boots Global Collection that is causing the mirth. With a body scrub called Fistful of Peanuts (pounds 2.79), a hand cream called Palm Balm (pounds 1.79) and a Snowshoe Cooling Foot Gel (pounds 1.75), camp urbanites are convinced the products are the brainchild of a corporate queen and take delight in browsing through the products' fruity sounding names. While some are outright raving - Water Falls Shower Cream, Crowning Glory Hair Mask and Clear Off Facial Wash - others are simply camp: Singapore Sling (bath pearls), Turkish Delight (lip balm), Eastern Promise (foaming bath) and Face Oasis (beauty mask). Hours of fun for those who wonder who the phantom fairy lurking on the top rungs of Boots actually is . . . and having the biggest laugh of all. The collection is available at your local Boots.

(Photograph omitted)

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