Netflix codes: How to access full library of hidden genres, films and TV shows

The site usually only lets you see the categories it thinks you will like most

Andrew Griffin,Aatif Sulleyman
Friday 22 December 2017 13:36 GMT
The new shows and films coming to Netflix in February 2018

There are tens of thousands of secret codes that can give you full access to everything on Netflix.

The site usually requires you to either search for an exact title, or flick through a limited number of genres that the site’s technology thinks you might like, based on what you have previously watched.

However, codes that can unlock access to the full list of all of those genres have been uncovered, allowing you to choose from the various, highly specific categories the site offers.

Netflix has a huge number of hidden genre categories that are as precise as “visually-striking movies for ages 5 to 7”.

Each of those pages has its own ID — and some web users have documented the various codes so they can be easily accessed.

If you want to browse the aforementioned genre of spectacular films for young children, for instance, you can head to

Those final four digits can be swapped for different IDs if you want to find something else.

To discover specific pages and genres, you can flick through the unofficial sites that exist online.

Ogres Crypt has compiled a “main” list and an “extended” list of hidden genres, while Finder offers a search tool that makes the codes easy to browse through.

Because the trick requires going to specific pages, this will only work on the Netflix website.

That means it isn’t possible to do this on other hardware like a phone, games console or smart TV.

It is, of course, easy to find a film on a laptop and then search for it specifically on whatever other hardware you have.

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