The Mandalorian: Gina Carano claims she was excluded from press events after refusing to share pre-written apology

Actor faced criticism for a series of allegedly transphobic social media posts last year

Louis Chilton
Wednesday 17 February 2021 07:41 GMT
SNL highlights 'Nazi propaganda' in Star Wars amid Gina Carano controversy
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Gina Carano has claimed she was stopped from doing press for The Mandalorian season two after refusing to apologise for controversial social media posts.

Last week, production company LucasFilm announced that it would no longer work with Carano on future seasons of the hit Star Wars spin-off. The news came after Carano, who played mercenary Cara Dune on the show, shared a post on Instagram which likened “hating someone for their political views” to being a persecuted Jewish person during the Holocaust.

In its statement, LucasFilm described her social media activity as “abhorrent and unacceptable”.

Speaking to former New York Times writer Bari Weiss, Carano has alleged that Disney tried to make her issue an apology last year, when some of her Twitter posts were accused by some fans of being transphobic.

“Earlier on last year before The Mandalorian came out, they wanted me to use their exact wording for an apology over pronoun usage,” said the actor. “I declined and offered a statement in my own words.

Read more: Gina Carano isn’t a victim of ‘cancel culture’ – despite what her fans say

“I made clear I wanted nothing to do with mocking the transgender community, and was just drawing attention to the abuse of the mob in forcing people to put pronouns in their bio.”

In the Tweets, Carano had appeared to mock the trans-inclusive practice of including pronouns in a social media profile, and wrote that transgender people needed to “find less abusive representation”.

The actor claimed that she was excluded from all press and promotion for The Mandalorian’s second season, which aired late last year, because she refused to use LucasFilm’s apology statement.

Gina Carano as reformed mercenary Cara Dune in season two of The Mandalorian
Gina Carano as reformed mercenary Cara Dune in season two of The Mandalorian (Lucasfilm)

The Independent has contacted LucasFilm for comment.

As well as the tweets about pronouns, Carano also faced calls for removal from The Mandalorian after sharing anti-mask memes on Twitter, and for repeating Donald Trump’s false claims about voter fraud.

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