Game of Thrones season 7: Cleganebowl looks set for episode 7 as The Hound returns to King's Landing

*Air horns begin to blare*

Jack Shepherd
Monday 21 August 2017 11:55 BST
Game of Thrones: Season 7 Finale Preview

The penultimate episode of Game of Thrones’ seventh season was a wild ride, featuring numerous deaths beyond The Wall and tensions growing in Westeros.

** Spoilers for ‘Beyond the Wall’ ahead **

Following the huge events beyond Eastwatch, The Hound escapes upon Drogon’s back with Dany, having been saved by Thoros.

Thanks to the next episode’s trailer, we know the character likely travels to King’s Landing with Jon Snow, Tyrion, and Jorah.

More importantly, the original season three trailer featured a clip of The Hound unsheathing a sword, something we have yet to see this season. Watch at 1.22 in the below trailer.

In short, Cleganebowl hype has officially gone through the roof.

For those unaware, one of the main theories fans hope will come true concerns the Clegane brothers, AKA The Hound and The Mountain, both of whom are seen in the season premiere.

Ever since the pair fought each other in season one — a fight neither party won as King Robert Baratheon ceased the battle — people have been wanting them to finish what they started.

Last season, people wanted the two ‘resurrected’ giant men to battle in Cersei’s trial by combat, something that never materialised as the Lannister became Queen.

During the first episode of season seven, watchers immediately pounced on The Hound saying the word ‘Mountain’ when looking into the flames. Now he’s heading to King’s Landing, the chances of him facing off against his brother are huge.

Either that, or they showrunners are saving the fabled event until next season; at the rate the last few episodes have rattled past, though, expect the fight sooner or later.

Game of Thrones is available to watch on NOW TV in the UK and HBO GO in the US.

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