Dream Home (18)

Starring: Josie Ho, Eason Chan, Paw Hee-Ching

Reviewed,Anthony Quinn
Friday 19 November 2010 01:00 GMT

"Murder most foul" hardly covers the enactments of atrocious slaughter in Pang Ho-Cheung's urban horror story. Couched as a semi-satire on Hong Kong's cut-throat property market, it stars Josie Ho as Cheng, a bright, personable young woman who juggles jobs in order to save enough for her dream home – an apartment in a high-rise block overlooking the harbour.

Just as her hard work is about to pay off, the vendors pull out, demanding more for a property which they know might sell for twice as much. Driven to distraction, Cheng comes up with a novel way of making a "des res" anything but: she devastates the place with a gruesome killing spree.

Flashbacks fill us in on the psychological damage that triggers her exorbitant scheme, though nothing could prepare you for the particularities: the one look-away moment involves her murdering a pregnant woman, using a plastic bag and vacuum cleaner. Enough said. The unsettling thing is that, as in Peeping Tom, our feelings for the killer aren't entirely unsympathetic.

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