Star Wars 7: Warwick Davis to reprise role as Wicket the Ewok

The actor made the announcement in a video posted on YouTube

Antonia Molloy
Friday 17 October 2014 14:54 BST
Warwick Davis appeared in Return of the Jedi
Warwick Davis appeared in Return of the Jedi (Getty Images)

Warwick Davis is to reprise his role as the Ewok in Star Wars 7.

The actor, who played Wicket the Ewok in Return of the Jedi, is joining the cast of JJ Abrams' sequel, which will be the first Star Wars title released by Disney, after creator George Lucas sold the rights to the franchise in 2012.

44-year-old Davis, who has previously appeared in the Harry Potter films, made the announcement in a video posted on the Star Wars YouTube channel.

He is seen on the phone to Abrams, excitedly shouting “Yes!” in response to a long-anticipated offer to appear in the movie.

Star Wars 7 will also see the return of the three principal characters from the original trilogy, reuniting Ford with Mark Hamill, playing Luke Skywalker, and Carrie Fisher, playing Princess Leia.

Girls star Adam Driver, Gwendoline Christie of Game of Thrones fame and Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong'o are also set to star.

Due to reach cinemas in December 2015, it is understood that the movie will be set 30 years after the events in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi, the third Star Wars film to be released.

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