Big Ben Spectre projection rejected because it's a building not a billboard

The imagery would compromise [the building's] historic integrity'

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 08 March 2016 14:43 GMT

A plan was put in motion to project the image of Daniel Craig on the side of Big Ben this week, but blocked by Westminster City Council who were quick to point out that, iconic though Bond might be, centuries of political history trumps a spy film franchise.

The PR stunt, designed to celebrate Bond's London heritage, the role of Parliament in the latest 007 film, Spectre, and, more importantly, its DVD release, had the blessing of the House of Commons Speaker John Bercow, but Westminster City Council overruled saying it was “wholly inappropriate”.

“The imagery would diminish the appreciation of the building, compromising its historic integrity,” a spokesperson said.

"By virtue of its size and illumination the advert would also harm the visual amenity of the Westminster Abbey and Parliament Square Conservation Area as well as the Westminster World Heritage Site."

I guess Bond isn’t the best figure to be illuminating on Parliament either, given his penchant for increasingly inventive unsanctioned killings.

A spokesperson for Mr Bercow said: "All requests to beam an image onto Big Ben require the agreement of the Speaker but it is ultimately a matter for Westminster City Council as to whether to grant permission for any such displays to take place."

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