Alan Hiron
Sunday 24 March 1996 00:02 GMT

IT SEEMS only fitting, after the recent death of Terence Reese, to re-publish one or two of his more famous hands. Was it really 60 years ago that he played this deal in a pairs competition at the old Lederers Club?

As South Terence opened One Club and North responded One Spade. Two Clubs was quite enough now and, with an awkward call, North contented himself with a cautious raise to Three Clubs. (A wild bash at Three No-trumps would not have been a success after a heart lead.) South went on to Five Clubs and all passed.

West led the six of spades and it was clear that the contract was in no danger. But, as it was a pairs contest, were there any prospects of an overtrick? The lead was covered with dummy's nine and East's ten was allowed to hold! The contract was still not imperilled, of course, for the losing diamond could always go away on dummy's top spade.

It was clear to East that his partner had chosen a deceptive lead (the six from K62, perhaps?) and he made the natural enough switch to the jack of diamonds.

You can see the sequel: Reese won, cashed his other top diamond and the king of spades, then crossed to dummy with the two top trumps. The losing diamond went away on the ace of spades and a diamond ruff established a twelfth trick with the eight of clubs still as an entry to dummy. !

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